Introducing INSPIRE+ v11 – the ultimate shop floor CNC operating system. This cutting-edge software boasts improved surface finish and cycle times, an advanced proprietary motion engine, and is capable of supporting future machine technologies such as 5-axis and live tooling lathes. With new Industry 4.0 and IoT support, a faster graphics engine, and enhanced customer service capabilities, INSPIRE+ v11 is the complete package.

- Arc & Line Intersection Find
- Tangent Line & Arc Functions
- 3 Point Arc Generation
- Line Extend Back
- Cartesian & Polar Coordinates
- Corner Chamfering & Rounding

- Polygon Pocket Cycle
- Slot Cycle
- Facing Cycle
- Engraving with Serializing
- Milling Cycles
- Drill, Tap & Bore Cycles
- Custom Drill Cycle

- Bolt Pattern, Drill, Tap & Bore Cycles
- Text Engraving on Arc or Line
- Thread Milling Cycle
- Circular Framing Cycle
- Rectangular Framing Cycle
- Polygon Framing Cycle
- Circular Pocket Cycle
- Rectangular Pocket Cycle

Display Features
- 3D Part & Wire Frame Tool Path Graphics
- Color Graphics – Tool Path & Part Profile
- Solid Model Graphics
- Wireframe over Solids
- Transparent Graphics
- Customizable DRO
- User Definable Image Display Window
- User Selectable Graphics in all Planes

- Macro Programming
- EIA / ISO Code (Fanuc®)
- Compatibility Macro
- Variable Programming

- ChipBoss™ Software
- MotionBoss(tm) Software
- DXF & IGES File Import
- Math Function Input Fields
- Custom Conversational Screens Speed & Feed
- Calculator Prompting Help Screens
- Concurrent Programming

Trochoidal Milling Software
A high-efficiency conversational pocketing feature is available for all new Flex Inspire milling machines. Benefits include faster cycle times, improved tool life, and less wear on your machine tool. This Trochoidal Milling Software is a modern cutting strategy that allows for higher metal removal rates by increasing the depth of cut while controlling the allowable cut width, reducing cycle times, extending tool life, and reducing wear on your machine tool. It is not uncommon to use a depth of cut equal to 3 times the tool diameter with the spiral fill toolpaths generated by the software. Initially restricted to premium CAM packages, this cutting technique is now available conversationally for profiles, open pockets, and pockets containing islands. When combined with tapered wall and Rest Roughing on your Inspire + control, you can significantly enhance your machine’s productivity.

Rest Roughing is a standard conversational feature on all new Flex Inspire CNC milling machines. With Rest Roughing, a large diameter cutter is used to quickly remove material from a pocket or profile, followed by one or more smaller cutters that remove only the residual material left by the large cutter. The best part is that the control does all the work for you, automatically calculating which material was left behind by the previous cutter. In the demonstrated example, Rest Roughing improved cycle time by more than 33% using a 0.50″ D end mill followed by the 0.25″ cutter, over just using the 0.25 “cutter alone.

Bi-directional turning is a high-efficiency conversational turning method applicable to all Flex Inspire CNC lathes. Its advantages include faster cycle times & reduced tool changes – Do more with one tool. This technique utilizes innovative tooling technology allowing you to cut both towards and away from the spindle. Not only does it eliminate retract and positioning moves in profiles, but it also allows for greater versatility with one tool with no need for separate profiling and grooving tools, which saves time on tool changes. Bi-directional cutting is smart turning for your Flex Inspire lathe.

Patented control technology that allows you to maximizing cutting efficiency by managing the balance between speed and precision. Using a racing car analogy, MotionBoss™ allows you to set the width of the track along with the maximum speed, the Inspire control then determines the optimal path around the track, automatically accelerating between line segments or slowing down for a tight turn, providing you with a faster cutting time, less chatter, less vibration, and less machine jerk.
With 4 times the memory capacity, 20 times the GPU memory, faster processing capabilities, improved graphics, and heightened reliability, our upgraded systems stand out among the competition. Additionally, the streamlined design with fewer connections provides increased ease for technicians to service the machine if needed

With INSPIRE v11, our latest software offering empowers customers with an array of cutting-edge features, including the integration of TeamViewer. This innovative addition enables users to take advantage of interactive troubleshooting, remote PC access, augmented reality, faster real-time support, and direct access to product experts.
Inspire consolidates industry leading best practices compensation techniques into the control software ensuring you get the most from the solid, rigid mechanical foundation detailed above. The Kinematic Compensation Suite includes ISO 230-2 multi-pass axial compensation for improved positional accuracy; reversal spike compensation to deal with sightlines on molds; squareness compensation to tweak perpendicularity of axes; and digital field bus communications eliminating drift and analog signal noise.